Restore Vision at EVER 2024
From November 3-5, 2024, the Restore Vision team participated in the 27th EVER Congress, held in Valencia, Spain. Organized by the European Vision & Eye Research Association (EVER), this prominent event gathered professionals from the fields of ophthalmology and visual sciences, attracting researchers, clinicians, and industry representatives from across Europe and beyond.
On November 4, Restore Vision hosted a special interest session titled “Progress on Rare Ocular Surface Disorders – Towards New Treatments.” Chaired by Professors Thomas Ritter and Neil Lagali, the session featured five insightful presentations:
- Involvement of the Neurokinin 1 receptor pathway in aniridia: evidence from pre-clinical models. Silvia Palombella, Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan, Italy
- Update on CXL-induced lymphangioregression to promote high-risk corneal graft survival. Johanna Wiedemann, University of Cologne, Germany
- MSC-derived extracellular vesicles and biomaterials for effective drug delivery at the ocular surface. Seyedmohammad Moosavizadeh, University of Galway, Ireland
- MSC-EV mechanisms in corneal wound healing and inflammation. Yedizza Rautavaara, Linköping University, Sweden
- Cellular insights and new therapeutic approaches for limbal stem cell deficiency. Neil Lagali, Linköping University, Sweden
Prof. Thomas Ritter shared his thoughts on the session:
“I was truly impressed by the high standards of the individual presentations. It was a pleasure to co-chair this session with our Restore Vision partner, Prof. Neil Lagali from Linköping University. The excellent quality of the results presented offers exciting insights into novel therapies for rare ocular surface diseases, bringing us closer to potential new and affordable treatments for patients suffering from these conditions. I am looking forward to where this research will lead, and I am confident it will open the door to new treatment options in the near future.”
Pof. Neil Lagali and Prof. Thomas Ritter
Prof. Neil Lagali also reflected on the success of the session:
“I’m happy to have co-chaired this session, showcasing the latest research on rare ocular surface diseases, their pathomechanisms, and emerging treatments at EVER 2024. I am especially proud of the younger fellows and trainees who presented their work on neuropathogenic mechanisms, extracellular vesicles, biomaterials, transcriptomics, and drug repurposing. We are making significant progress for the benefit of patients living with rare diseases.”
Prof. Neil Lagali presenting
Johanna Wiedemann presenting
Silvia Palombella presenting
Seyedmohammad Moosavizadeh presenting