Restore Vision’s Ethics Advisor
Restore Vision is thrilled to welcome its new Ethics Advisor, Dr. Helen Busby, who will support the development and review of ethics applications for the project’s research involving human subjects.
Dr. Busby is an independent research ethics advisor who has worked with leading international organizations to improve the oversight of research. Between 2017 and 2023, Dr. Busby worked as a Consultant with the global health ethics unit at the World Health Organization in Geneva. She now advises researchers and organizations to manage complex ethical issues, especially in relation to research involving fieldwork in multiple countries.
Previously, Dr. Busby undertook her MSc in Medical Anthropology and PhD in Sociology and Socio-legal studies at the Universities of Brunel and Nottingham (UK). She led research on stem cell banking and blood services in the UK, as well as on the governance of biotechnologies in the EU.
In Restore Vision, Dr. Busby will use her experience to support the design of ethics applications for the project’s research and clinical trials involving human subjects. As part of the project’s Ethics and Patient Advisory Group – alongside Restore Vision’s Coordinator, Professor Thomas Ritter; Project Manager, Dr. Grace Davey; WP7 (Ethics Matters and Regulatory Affairs) lead Professor Neil Lagali and patient representatives – she will offer guidance on ethical issues as they emerge and support WP leads and researchers before, during, and after ethics review of projects involving humans.
In her own words, Dr. Busby shares her mission in Restore Vision “I aim support the researchers with ‘designing in ethics’ as they develop their protocols. I’m pleased that I’ll also be working with Restore Vision’s Ethics and Patient Advisory Group, to broaden the discussion of both ethical issues and patient engagement.”
Welcome on board!